Universities around the world, who have competed with other institutions to prove their excellence in all courses and standards
Burwood, Melbourne , Victoria
Burwood, Melbourne , VictoriaDeakin University is a renowned public university based in Victoria, Australia. It was named in honor of Australia's second prime minister, Alfred Deakin, in 1974. The university has four campuses in...
Lappeenranta , South Karelia
Lappeenranta , South KareliaThe Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) was founded in Finland in 1969. The campus Lappeenranta lies on the shores of Lake Saimaa, the fourth biggest lake in Europe, whereas the second c...
Wilson , North Carolina
Wilson , North CarolinaBarton College, established in 1902, is a liberal arts college in Wilson, North Carolina. Affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), it offers a personalised educational experience wi...
Paris , France
Paris , FranceENS is the École Normale Supérieure, a recognised university in Paris, France, known for its intense academic courses. Founded in 1794, ENS has a long legacy of success in science and th...
Singapore , Singapore
Singapore , SingaporeNanyang Institute of Management (NIM) is a private institution situated in Singapore, which is one of the best countries to study abroad. It is located at Eu Tong Sen Street (The Central) and closest...
Paris , Paris
Paris , ParisThe Paris School of Business (PSB) is one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. Founded in 1974, the institute's motto is "Acting beyond knowledge". The school is a member of th...
Charleston , West Virginia
Charleston , West VirginiaEstablished in 1888, the University of Charleston (UC) is a private non-profit college with its campus located in Charleston, West Virginia. The main campus of the college spreads over 58 miles in the...
Riverside , California
Riverside , CaliforniaCBU is a private Christian university situated in Riverside, California, and was founded in 1950. Being a religious institution associated with the California Southern Baptist Convention, the universi...
Adelaide , South Australia
Adelaide , South AustraliaIn 1966, Flinders University was established in Adelaide, South Australia, as a public research university. The campus of Flinders University is located in four different areas: Bedford park, Tonsley,...
Dubai , Abu Dhabi
Dubai , Abu DhabiRIT Dubai, inaugurated in 2008, is a non-profit university based in the United Arab Emirates. It is affiliated with the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, which was founded in 1829. Located...
Dublin , Dublin
Dublin , DublinNational College of Ireland (NCI), based in the heart of Dublin, Ireland, is a non-profit government-funded advanced education institution offering undergraduate, postgraduate, certificate, research,...
Rohnert Park , California
Rohnert Park , CaliforniaFounded in 1961, Sonoma State University is located in the picturesque wine producing region of California, and encompasses over 65 academic departments and programs grouped into six schools: School o...